The Onward Collection | Part 1

This is a story about motion.
About an upward and action oriented take on what it means to preserve something.
There is value in opening your perspective, listening to the stories and opinions of others, and the change in direction that can often come from it.
As a result, I believe in the beauty of transformation and redemption.

When it comes to textiles— I believe above all in preserving what we find and appreciating pieces as they are, which largely involves finding beauty in their imperfections. But there is sometimes a shift needed in order to learn to appreciate something. To recognize its beauty, and even in some cases— enhance it.
I believe there is also a call to share the beauty that we find with the world.

When it comes to quilts— I save far more than I cut.

Indeed, there have been many “cutters”, as they are commonly known, pass through my hands that I have helped find homes where they would be loved and appreciated as they are, rather than transformed into something else.
However, on occasion there are some that are so tattered and torn, that seeing the beauty and usefulness in them is beyond many of us.
Indeed — Many of these were headed for the trash before I saved them.

I know you have seen a few quilt garment collections from us, but with this one we wanted to be a little more transparent. Really show you what we choose to cut into when it comes to a damaged textile and why.

We largely have been coerced in this society to believe that new and perfect is preferable.
That stains and wear are undesirable.
That things that are without blemish are the goal.

But it is often within those imperfect traits that the layer of story and authenticity reside.

This collection is titled Onward for a number of reasons, namely it signifies a shift for us. A shift into a new season of Folkling, a new perspective on what we are doing here and why we are doing it.

There is also the very real aspect that this collection traveled across, and was photographed in, a number of different states as we drove from the East to the West Coast.
They each are an anchor to place and have added layers now of story and significance.

We will be sharing more about this collection and releasing it slowly over the next week as we continue to make our way West.
A Folkling x Oddshop collaboration


Folkling Home | Homespun Collection


In The Name of Love | A Valentine Collection