Summer Intermission

It probably wouldn’t surprise you to know just how often Folkling is discussed in our home. When something occupies most of your waking hours, there isn’t much space for anything else.

What may surprise you, is how often the conversation turns to us asking one another:
“Are we making a difference?”
Which comes wholly from a genuine desire to make the world a better place.

But at times, it sounds like a person who is willing to lay down their life for a cause and simultaneously unconvinced their sacrifice will help win the war.
But life is more of a journey than a fight, and you will never get to where you’re trying to go if you just keep the gas pedal pinned to the floor.

With that being said, Folkling will not be open for the month of July.

The store, website, instagram and email will all return in August.
We won’t be traveling, so it’s not a vacation.
It’s not a sabbatical, as it is not paid leave.
For lack of a better term, we’ll call it:

—Summer Intermission—

As we all know too well, everything takes time.

There are only so many hours in the day, days in the week,
weeks in the year,
and years in our lives.

It feels obvious, but is worth saying, you can’t add something without it displacing something else.

Theres a lot of work to be caught up on here and that takes time. But there is also a lot to think, feel and learn in this life, and that takes time too.


Owen & Leney

The brick & mortar is
OPEN 11–6 (extended open time!)
Friday June 30th

Photos by Meagan Abell


Framed In Space


On Doing Too Much